Northeast Chop Shop Open House – Maine Event Photographer

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I am always telling people that one day I will one day be the proud owner of an disgustingly amazing muscle car; and then I follow it up with the fact that I will look sooooo cool driving around in it. Because really, I would. All of my other un-cool features would fly right out the window when I am driving around in my sweet as hell muscle car.

So shooting an open house event at the Northeast Chop Shop where some amazing cars and motorcycles would be shown, was right up my alley. Below is just a few of the cars and bikes that were on display.

Jason Grimes, the owner, is an amazing artist and the details he does on his bikes blew me away. Take a look at the break lever on this bike…look familiar? He styled it to look like a straight razor!

And those brass knuckle floor boards will soon be available for retail made to fit any Harley or Custom Bike.
Northeast Chop Shop

Northeast Chop Shop

Another signature Jason touch is to use old door knobs or ceramic water faucet knobs on his bikes. So sick.
Northeast Chop Shop

Northeast Chop Shop

Northeast Chop Shop

Northeast Chop Shop

A friend of Jason’s made him this electric chair which sits in the front office. And it works if you hook it up to a car battery
Northeast Chop Shop

Northeast Chop Shop

Northeast Chop Shop

Northeast Chop Shop

Northeast Chop Shop

Northeast Chop Shop

Northeast Chop Shop

Northeast Chop Shop

Northeast Chop Shop

Jason’s dogs are such sweet babies. This one just wanted to be pet and his Rottie just wanted to sit on my feet.
I love seeing happy dogs.

Northeast Chop Shop

And this was amazing! Mr. Chip lined the floor of his car with license plates!
Northeast Chop Shop

Northeast Chop Shop

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  1. Verle says:

    Holy szihnit, this is so cool thank you.