Happy Birthday to my Oscar! – Another New Hampshire Birthday Boy

I love him, I love him, I love him!! Because really, how is it possible to not love Oscar? From the first day we met there was a certain spark between us, a certain something that I couldn’t quite put my finger on, but I knew that somehow he and I would trace our way back to one another. It was a few years before that actually happened, but when it did, everything was well worth the wait. Ever since that day, I’ve been the luckiest girl in the world because I get to have this hysterically (and often accidentally) funny, loving, gorgeous guy by my side.

With all of the insanity that’s been going on for us, Oscar really just wanted to have a mellow birthday weekend. So instead of crawling bars or getting rowdy with friends; myself, Oscar, Oscar’s BFF John, and Liza (“Excuuuuuuuuuse me?!” haha!) went down to Boston and spent the entire day perusing the Science Museum, walking around Harvard Square, having dinner in Cambridge and enjoying a late night night coffee for the ride back home. And honestly? It was perfect. The four of us had such a great time just hanging out, laughing and being…mellow. I loved it and I know Oscar did too.

So tonight, it’s gifts, cake and dinner for the two of us while we probably do close to nothing – which is absolutely fine with me.

Damn, I love you, Oscar. I wish you a humongous HAPPY BIRTHDAY and can’t wait to spend many many many more wonderful birthdays with you!

xo, sarahv, bailey-boo and dex


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  1. just me says:

    the museum trip paid off in an apropos photo!! As I always say…. HE’s a Keeper. I shared this on face book. xoxoxoxoxox jm