Day TEN // Chicks, Man

1/3rd of the way through this 30 Day Photo Challenge and I am still chugging along, woo hoo!

This little chicken in the photo below lives about 600 feet from our house with all of his chicken friends and I love it! I want to squeeze them, play with them, put them in my bicycle basket and ride around town with them!

But they will have none of it.

I tried to get a couple of shots of one of these guys who was perched up on a tractor looking like he was going to ride off into the sunset, but when I got remotely close, he squawked and took off in a flurry of feathers.

HEY, CHICKENS! I HAVE A PHOTO ASSIGNMENT! COOPERATE! Pretty please? (and I need to be sorta stealth because I think the homeowners don’t reaaaally want me taking pictures of their chickens)

So when this little guy was busy looking for worms (or doing whatever it is that chickens do) I got close enough and snapped a shot just as he saw me approach. SCORE!

And SCORE on the fact that our home is right next to a farm with amazing free range chicken eggs and organic veggies! Holla!

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  1. Kelly Dillon says:

    way cute!!