How Engaging!

Now that the wedding season has officially wound down for me as of last weekend, I feel it is a good time to announce thaaaat….OSCAR ASKED ME TO MARRY HIM! Yes, yes, I get to join the ranks of all the brides and get married to the man of my dreams!

We have felt nothing but love from everyone who we have shared this with from close family and friends to co-workers and clients (Oscar is the Marketing Director for a merchandising company who does merch for bands so it’s awesome when these gnarly band members who sing death metal over blast beats with fake blood on them are like “Yay! I’m so excited and happy for you!”) and that has made it all that much sweeter to have such a great response. We’ve been on cloud nine ever since and when Oscar asked and it couldn’t have come at a better time. 2011 was a rough year for us emotionally with me getting sick and learning to deal with what was my new “normal”, family members going through financial woes, and almost losing a beloved pet from a hereditary disease. But we went through it all and we came out stronger than ever so I know that we will do great together in all of life’s bumps and hurdles.

Oscar asked me to marry him on the day of our 5 year anniversary together (August 11th) and we plan to marry each other next year on August 11, 2012. I couldn’t be happier as I am marrying my best friend, my match, my source of endless entertainment and truly the best possible fit for me. I love you, Oscar and I can’t wait to make it official!

Here is a goofy picture we took on the day he asked!

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  1. Just me says:

    This is a very nice blog note. I know that you will be very happy, always feel secure in one another. I am beyond happy. jm