Happy Mother’s Day!

My Mom is one of the best things about my little life here on planet Earth. I have so many stories of us laughing together, crying together, leaning on each other’s shoulders for strength, being scared together (seriously, why on Earth did we go see Deep Blue Sea together?? What were we thinking??), being each other’s cheerleader, making up strange faces and sounds we’d make should we ever be put in the situation where we were about to be attacked (this is true, and you should see the face and sounds I’d make. The attacker would think twice about getting close to this psycho), or sharing some of the most hysterical memories like the time she shook a chocolate milk bottle in my kitchen which wasn’t closed properly so it went everywhere which was the morning after she left our freezer door open all night…oh how the list goes on!

She’s truly one of greatest people on the planet and I am so lucky to say she is MINE. I am going to stop here though because I don’t want to say too much since our relationship is something I hold very near and dear to my heart and I feel that my sentiments are best left personal, but I did feel that there was no way I could pass up this opportunity to tell the world how much she means to me so I posted here today : )

I love you, Momma and I am so glad to not only be your daughter, but to be your friend. I hope you and all of the other Moms of the world have a great day today and that someone spoils you rotten like you deserve.

I love you, Mom, for forever and ever! You are the treasure that I hold closest to my heart.

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  1. just me says:

    I don’t think I can speak… tears swim in my eyes. I wish the miles that separate us geographically would dissolve and allow us to be with one another again in a way that surpasses all the current interactions we share. I want to touch you… see your eyes, laugh at your laughter as well as what you said. I want those things…. but to be honest with you my love, I have been and continue to be blessed in every moment with your love and presence in my life.

    We will no doubt always be in one another’s life… no matter how we look, what name we go by, where we call home. We are that ocean – we are connected in a way that nothing can destroy. Nothing. We’ve had lifetimes before and will celebrate more.

    Our wacky faces and grunts would keep anything at bay…. and I giggle to consider the probabilities. And yes, why why why did we go to see that show???????????????? Next time lets choose Depp or something pleasant to enjoy!!! Though this does bring up more fun memories and giggles Now!! Go figure!!

    I love you. I love you. I love you. But you’ve always known that. jmxo

  2. kelly marie says:

    I came across your blog today and loved this post dedicated to your mom. And then – then! – I found the comment response from your mother. So unbelieveably beautiful!! What a treasure to have such a bond with an amazing woman like her :) Love your work here, keep it up!

    • sarahv says:

      Oh Kelly, you made my evening with this reply! I appreciate your kind thoughts so very much : ) And I truly am lucky to have such a wonderful bond with this woman I get to call “Mom” . I thank you for dropping by and for leaving a note!

  3. janeen says:

    great shot. love the tatt. she’s got a fierce bad-ass yet very tender expression.
    miss you. come to the bay!