Day EIGHT // I love (other people’s) babies

Oscar and I literally decided on day one of our relationship that we weren’t going to physically give birth to our own children but that maaaaaybe we’d adopt one at some distant point in our future. It’s a shame only in the sense that I think Oscar’s kids would be so damn cute! But the reasons against us having our own child far outweigh the ones to have our DNA recreated in human form. Besides, I’ve never been a baby person. When I was young I played with barbies more than babydolls and I’d much rather pretend I was playing with my make believe boyfriend’s younger sister rather than pretend I was the mom to a brood of kids.

However, I have found that I am pretty in love with my friend’s kids. When my best friend gave birth to her daughter, I was sobbing about how much I loved her the second she was in my arms, when another friend’s daughter first learned to crawl, I was a mess and proclaiming how proud I was of her. And now that another really close friend has moved back home with her husband and new son, I can already see myself being pumped about all of his firsts.

But don’t go thinking, “Oh, you love babies! You will totally have one of your own!” No. Nope. Nu-uh. I look forward to borrowing Stella, Anna and Oliver – but not making one of my own.

Here’s a picture of beautiful Anna a couple of days after she learned to crawl. And yes, this is the day I was holding back tears and Oscar was telling me to, “Settle down.” haha! BUT LOOK AT HER, SHE’S SO CUTE!!! I can’t stand it!

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