REMIX! Pt. 2 // Fancy New Site + a Discount!

Growing up it wasn’t uncommon to wake up in the morning or come home from school and the house had been expertly rearranged by my Momma who had the call of interior decoration strike. She and my sister have a knack for decorating, it’s in their blood. Me? Not so much. Case in point: we moved into our house in April of last year and there is not ONE piece of art, photo, painting, cross-stitch or even a decorative doily on the walls.


I wish I was kidding. I’m not.

I’m just not good at it and I tend to over think how everything should be arranged and wanting it to be perfect before I just put something up. For a while I got away with blaming it on not being done painting all the rooms…until said rooms were painted. Or a busy wedding season…which has now passed. Or getting our own wedding squared away…which I did. And then it was due to the holidays…but those are over.

My friend told me we look like a creepy couple who are trying to make it seem as if we are friendly homeowners but really we are infiltrating the neighborhood as spies and we have (poorly) set up camp temporarily while we do bad things. Besides the fact that she has an extereeeeeemly overactive imagination, I gotta hand it to her, it’s a pretty accurate description.

So what’s this have to do with anything? Ah yes, this… MY WEBSITE GOT REDECORATED!!! WOO HOO!!! I am so proud of me, this was something that was needing to happen, my old site was not reflecting my business as I wanted.

Here is a little screen shot of what it looks like now! Shmancy, no?

Sarah Vanessa Photography NH Website Wedding Photos

While my logo was hatching, I worked on re-hauling my website and blog so the three would match in perfect harmony. If you haven’t been there in a while, head to to see all the changes and how I gussied it up! There are a couple of odds and ins that need to be finished, such as adding more to my “About Me” part, but for the most part it’s all set!

And if I am being completely honest, I should say that my site has been redone since about end of November which is when my logo was being fine tuned BUT I didn’t announce it until now because I had some things I wanted to fix up before I did the grand showing.

A good number of my couples from this past year will see their awesome faces on the site too! I wish I could have included ALL of you guys on there in a bunch of galleries, but I had to keep it somewhat manageable!

Building the site was a labor of love and once all of the pieces fell into place, I was excited with how it turned out! I have no idea how long it took me to design, but it was a lot of late nights and a bunch of thrown away designs before I arrived on this one. I wanted to make sure that I am following my personal guidelines of putting more of ME and my personality on my site and blog so I can keep attracting the right for me clients and repelling the ones who don’t like my style. This way I end up with clients who enjoy having my wacky self on their big day and the ones who wouldn’t appreciate my personality are able to find a photographer who suits them better! Everyone wins :)

My blog will have some more little changes here and there too, but for the most part I am thinking it will stay close to what it is now. I have a thing or two up my sleeve that I want to do so those will come soon too (I hope!).

And now onto the deal!

For my website launch, I am offering couples who book with me during the month of February 2013 a $200 discount on one of my wedding collections as long as they mention the line “FEBRUARY IS FOR LOVERS” when booking me for their big day!

* This doesn’t apply to custom made collections; it is good only on one of the four collections I offer in my pricing list. Weddings must be booked by February 28th and you must mention that fabulous phrase when booking to receive the discount. This cannot be combined with any other discounts and has no cash value.

Pass it along to friends and family so they can get a spot with me this summer! Woo hoo!

So in conclusion, I am so excited for what my new site will help bring to me going forward and lets hope that by the time Oscar + I hit the one year mark that we have a picture on the wall…or two.

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